The New APS Website Is Here

No snark to report here, at least not yet.  The new APS website looks good.

Naturally it looks better than the old APS website, then again a colonoscopy looks better than the old APS website.   Even the ABQ Journal website looks better than the old APS…oh wait…

But this is about the new APS website, which looks brighter, cheerier, less strangely domain-named, and all around fine.  I even like, at least now, the Homeland Security-style color scheme (Code Red = Students; Code Yellow = Parents; Code Blue = No Discernible threats, i.e. Employees).  And the bad old java is replaced by good ‘ol Flash video!  Welcome 21st Century!

Now I’m off to find some mistakes…I’m betting there aren’t many.

P.S.: Okay, I found one…and it’s really not from the website directly.  Why does this RDA (Research, Development, and Accountability) page still stop with AYP results from 2007?  I’m not really complaining as much as wondering if this is a “sin” of commission or omission.  Because if the District is basically saying “nobody gives a &%#$ what the AYP scores are as of 2007” I’m all over that idea.

2 thoughts on “The New APS Website Is Here

  1. I, too, went and took a gander. My one complaint is that one has to scroll down to see the whole page. I view the web on a 20-inch screen with high resolution. And yet I have to do a lot of scrolling to see everything on the main page.

    A VERY basic web-design rule is that the home page should load without any scrolling. Most users will never scroll down. A basic flaw, but still better than PI.

  2. Better? Or differently kinda bad? Try searching for something, and having to guess where on the page you went to it is, or even if it’s there. Or…..

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